I am writing as the Chairman of the Hwa Chong Institution Recycling Club. Presently, Singaporeans do not recycle much. This is due to the fact that they are not educated about recycling and also because they do not realize the serious implications and consequences of global warming. Thus, in reference to the this matter, I wish to highlight the dire need to raise awareness about recycling and hence wish to raise funds to conduct a recycling campaign.
This campaign objective is to educate the people in the Bukit Timah district about recycling. This is how it will be carried out:
Posters will be placed on notice boards of HDBs, offering residents the incentive of participating in a lucky draw if they were to recycle at least 10 kilograms of recyclables monthly. They number of drawing tickets they will each receive is one-tenth the number of kilograms of recyclables they recycle in that month. They can be used for the following month's drawing. For example, supposing Mr. Lim recycles 40 kilograms of recyclables in the month of January, he would then receive 4 drawing tickets in compensation for the drawing in February.
Also, in addition to this, there will also be a 'Referral scheme'. Whenever someone refers one of his friends to this new recycling campaign, he will receive an additional drawing ticket for each and every month his referral recycles at least 10 kilograms of recyclables. This would definitely encourage people to spread the news about this campaign. For example, if Mr. Tan were to refer just three people: Mr. Lim, Ms. Lee and Mrs. Goh, and they each refer just three others, and they in turn refer another three each,another three,... This process will be infinite as people are lured into referring others to get extra tickets. As a result, more and more people would know about recycling and actively recycle so as to take part in this lucky draw, thus making this an extremely successful campaign.
However, though the heart is willing, the body is weak. Unfortunately, we are unable to carry out this campaign without sponsors for the prizes of the lucky draws. Thus, on behalf of the Recycling Club, I sincerely urge you to fund this campaign. Not only will this campaign benefit the natural environment around us by equipping citizens with the knowledge of recycling, but also uphold a good reputation for your company as an environmentally friendly one. Also, this will give plenty of good publicity for your company. Moreover, as a citizen of the earth, there is a compulsion to help put an end to global warming and pollution. It is each and every one's responsibility to stop Mother Earth's suffering.
As, a global citizen, I would like nothing more than to prevent pollution and promote recycling, so that the future generations will be able to grow up in a clean environment, unspoiled by humans. However, there is only so much I can do. Once again, for the sake of the future generations, please think this proposal through carefully. Details and information can be obtained by simply calling our 24/7 hotline:6902 8508.
Yours Faithfully,
Lee Dao Ming (Mr.)